"We create, so we get judged by our ability, and not by our tastes, which only narrow and exclude others!"

Featured Pages

Conversation Backup (1.4)
By Ugorji Nwoke   15 Nov 2010 (updated 27 Apr 2019)   /project   android geek technology x-featured
This tool can backup your SMS messages, MMS messages with included attachments, and call records, into a zip archive. You can specify a set of numbers to limit the conversations backed up. Optionally, you can request that those archived messages and/or call logs from your device are deleted.

This supports Android 4.0 and above.
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Recent Blogs


Benchmarks!!! Serialization in Go!!!
By Ugorji Nwoke   16 Dec 2014 (updated 02 Jul 2019)   /blog   technology go-codec
Let’s have some fun with some numbers.

In the serialization in go article , we discussed a number of types of encoding formats and their libraries in go.
Code Generation using go-codec - for 2-20X performance improvement
By Ugorji Nwoke   18 Dec 2014 (updated 01 Jul 2019)   /blog   technology go-codec
go-codec supports compile-time generation of encoders and decoders for named types, which does not incur the overhead of reflection in the typical case, giving 40% to 100% performance improvement over the idiomatic runtime introspection mode.

Idiomatic encoding and decoding types within go typically relies on the reflection capabilities of the go runtime. This affords flexible performance without the need for a pre-compilation step; the go types contain all the information needed and the runtime exposes the full types via reflection. However, introspecting the runtime to get this information has a noticeable overhead, which can be eliminated by a pre-compilation/code-generation step.
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